Kinsta Cron Commands

With Kinsta hosting you will need to follow this guide to configure the cron jobs.

With Kinsta's container based setup each site has its own crontab. The only way to edit the cron jobs is by using SSH. We will not go-into specifics on editing using the crontab using SSH as they have documentation on do this.

Kinsta Support Doc: How to Write a Cron Job and Manage Server Crons at Kinsta

How to login to SSH

From your Kinsta account, click Sites. Then click the site you want to manage the cron jobs on.

The next page which is the Info screen displays the SSH command and password you need to login to the server over SSH.

Open up your terminal on your PC/Mac and run the SSH terminal command to login to the server. Enter in the password when prompt.

Next type in crontab -e

Once you are editing the cron jobs using the text editor they need to be in the following format.

NOTE: The minimum increment should be every 5 minutes (*/5)

NOTE: The https://localhost/ is correct.

*/5 * * * * curl -kILs -H 'Host:' "https://localhost/XML/feedsync/core/cron.php" >/dev/null 2>&1
5 * * * * curl -kILs -H 'Host:' "https://localhost/wp-load.php?import_key=YOUR_IMPORT_KEY&import_id=YOUR_IMPORT_ID&action=trigger" >/dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * curl -kILs -H 'Host:' "https://localhost/wp-load.php?import_key=YOUR_IMPORT_KEY&import_id=YOUR_IMPORT_ID&action=processing" >/dev/null 2>&1

Once your cron jobs are added on Mac press Control + O to save the file. Then Control + X to exit the crontab editor.