CloudWays Cron Commands

wget Cron Commands

Cloudways now supports standard wget cron commands in the advanced 

Alternate Account Based PHP cron commands

With Cloudways hosting you will need to use specific cron commands instead of the wget which do not work with their servers due to their caching systems.

Instead you will need to execute the commands as follows:


10 * * * * cd /home/master/applications/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/public_html && php-cgi7.3 -f /home/master/applications/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/public_html/wp-load.php import_key=YOUR_IMPORT_KEY import_id=IMPORT_ID action=trigger


*/2 * * * * cd /home/master/applications/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/public_html && php-cgi7.3 -f /home/master/applications/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/public_html/wp-load.php import_key=YOUR_IMPORT_KEY import_id=IMPORT_ID action=processing

How to find the PHP version for the php-cgi7.3 cron command setting

To find out the PHP version, login to Cloudways then > go to server > Settings & Packages > Packages. 

How to find your Cloudways account name

For the account name, it is actually the application directory name. It is the same as the database name. Here is how you can find out the database name:

See the CloudWays guide: Where Do I Find My Application Folder Name?