GoDaddy, BlueHost and SiteGround Hosting Cron Commands

We identified the problem, and it has to do with caching on GoDaddy, BlueHost and SiteGround. I believe they use a "Varnish" cache software solution on their server.

So the default wget cron command URL request was caching every 24 hours. Therefore the sequence of events could not fire.

To test this I setup a cron that would fire a basic email script. I set it to every minute - but only received an email every 24 hours.

By adding a "date timestamp" to the cron query string with a date/time variable which makes the request unique this bypasses the GoDaddy cache.

FeedSync Cron Command Example

wget -q -O /dev/null "`date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S`"

Adding cronid=`date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S` to the cron commands string forces a new request each time, bypassing the cache and allowing the cron to run at the specified times on server environments that utilise caching such as GoDaddy, BlueHost and SiteGround.

WP All Import Cron Command Example


wget -q -O /dev/null "`date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S`"


wget -q -O /dev/null "`date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S`"