What changes to FeedSync do I have to make after changing domains?
When FeedSync is installed, it is setup to work for your domain. If you need to change domains for any reason, there are several steps you will need to take to ensure that your FeedSync installation continues to work as normal.
Step 1 - Disable WP All Import Pro Cron Jobs.
You can do this by visiting your WordPress Dashboard -> All Import -> Settings. You can find additional instructions in step two of this article:
Step 2 - Define the new domain.
Open the following file in your text editor: feedsync/config.php. Scroll down until you find the line that defines the SITE_URL. It may be commented out, so remove the two slashes and insert your new domain.
/** Uncomment to enable setting of site URL **/ define('SITE_URL', 'http://new_domain_name.com.au/XML/feedsync/' );
Step 3 - Update Wp All Import URLs.
Each import points to your original domain, so you will need to change each of them to point to the new domain. You can find them via the WordPress Dashboard > All Import > Manage Imports > Import Settings (for each import).
Step 4 - Update cron URLs.
Login to your web hosting cPanel and locate the cron manager. For each of the cron jobs that were created for your imports, edit the command and replace the old domain with the new one.
Step 5 - Test an import.
Check that the change is working correctly by manually running an import via WordPress Dashboard > All Import > Manage Imports (run any import)
Step 6 - Re-enable the import.
Remove DISABLED- from the secret key (the part you added in step 1).
Step 7 - If your import ran before you performed the above the XPath XML node may have changed.
Visit > All Import > Manage Imports > (The Job) > Import Settings
Open the Configure Advanced Settings panel.
It should match the source FeedSync URL.