epl_meta_box_block_ filter to remove listing meta sections
Lets say you want to completely remove the Additional Features area from your listings you can use the epl_meta_box_block_ filter to do this. Add the following to your theme functions file or a custom plugin.
Using this filter will allow you to remove listing details sections from Easy Property Listings.
Metaboxes are divided into sections, each section contains one to multiple fields.
add_filter('epl_meta_box_block_'.$group['id'], 'callback_function');
Example: Unset the Additional Featured Section
function my_epl_unset_additional_features($group) { return; } add_filter('epl_meta_box_block_epl_additional_features_section_id', 'my_epl_unset_additional_features');
Section Names available for this filter
- epl_property_listing_section_id
- epl_features_section_id
- epl_additional_features_section_id
- epl_features_section_id_single_column
- epl_property_address_section_id
- epl_pricing_section_id
- epl_property_rent_id
- epl_rural_features_id
- epl_commercial_leasing_id
- epl_commercial_features_id
- epl_business_features_id
- epl_attachments_section_id