[epl_matterport] Shortcode

The  Matterport shortcode feature in the Matterport Extension allows you to output your Matterport 3D Tour onto your listings using a simple Shortcode. This shortcode is especially useful when using page builders like Elementor to build your listing template pages. There are a variety of options available with each Shortcode.


You can output a specific custom button like this:

[epl_matterport id=1]


There are several options that may be specified using this syntax:

[epl_matterport option1="value" option2="value"]

You can also print a list of listings in a template like so:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[epl_matterport id="1"]' ); ?>

All Options



The following options are accepted:

specify the listing post id you want to output. The ID can be determined from editing a single listing and viewing the URL. When used in a template file the id is automatically detected.

[epl_matterport id="2222"]