Aro Software REAXML FeedSync Setup

Aro Real Estate CRM

Using Aro Real Estate CRM you can sync your listings from your CRM to your WordPress website using Easy Property Listings and FeedSync.

Aro Software Real Estate CRM Features

In order to import listings using FeedSync into your WordPress website from Aro Software you need to email them the following request:

Hi Aro Software,

We are looking to configure our website REAXML listing feed. We understand that there is a setup and monthly fee involved which you will provide me in reply to this email. 

Here are the FTP details where to deliver the REAXML files.


* FTP Account: YOUR_SERVER_IP or URL (
* Password: YOUR_PASSWORD (10 characters is recommended)
* Directory: /


Please let us know the costs involved and the estimated time of installation.
