Update image URLS using phpMyAdmin for old MyDesktop CDN

If you have been using MyDesktop for a few years you may need to update your older listing image URLS using phpMyAdmin. MyDesktop used to save your images on their CDN using this url format and some of your images will not import as the image is not found.

Old MyDesktop CDN URL: `http://www.{ACCOUNT_NAME}.ca.com.au/photos/19083-FacadeOffset.jpg`

New MyDesktop CDN URL: `http://mydesktop.aunz.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/{ACCOUNT_NAME}/photos/5288-HH_main_GRANGE_plan.jpg`

To determine your ACCOUNT_NAME browse your XML output file for a current listing and copy the image link and paste into your browser to see if the image loads. If it does, do a quick test and update the URL on an old image. It should now display the image instead of Not Found/404 error.

Once you have confirmed your correct url login to your cPanel and navigate to phpMyAdmin and select your feedsync database on the left hand side and click the SQL at the top.

phpMyAdmin feedsync database

Now insert the command into the SQL box to execute a find and replace on the XML column in the FeedSync database.

UPDATE `table_name`
SET `field_name` = replace(same_field_name, 'unwanted_text', 'wanted_text')
UPDATE `feedsync`
SET `xml` = replace(xml, 'http://www.{ACCOUNT_NAME}.ca.com.au/', 'http://mydesktop.aunz.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/{ACCOUNT_NAME}/')