Getting Started with Ignite

Ignite powered by is a application and reporting system that you can get for free with your existing account. It allows tenants and renters to apply for rentals online. The add-on will provide a button on your website that will link to the ignite system and and pass the listing unique ID so that a user can apply directly for your listing in the Ignite system.

Installing the Ignite extension

Installing this extension is the same as all our extensions. Follow this guide.

Getting your account ID

Login to your real account and grab your account id from settings from the top bar. Visit the guide here in a new tab: Where can I find my Agency ID?

Add the Agency ID to the extension settings

Once you have your Agency ID login you your WordPress admin area and visit the Easy Property Listings > Extensions > Ignite > Office options page and enter in your Account ID and fallback email address. The email address is required for the button to display on your listings.

Configure the Apply button display and interaction options 

Visit the Apply Button options screen to configure the display options, label and where the button will display on your listings.

Ensure your listing has a Unique ID

Ensure your listing has a unique ID registered. If you are importing listings from your CRM using FeedSync this should be automatic and just work. 

Edit a rental listing and scroll to the Listing Type section to confirm the unique ID is there as the listing will need to exist on the portal.

View your listing and your Apply button will be displayed.

Visiting the link will direct the user to the ignite System.

Once the user logs in they will be able to start their application.

From there you will be able to access all the advanced reporting tools from your Ignite Account at Get started today with your account!