Author Box Rate My Agent Tab
Along with the default account details that can be used to display the Rate My Agent box, individual agents can specify their own Rate My Agent ID.
This will appear in the Reviews tab on the author profile and if Single Listings are enabled their Rate My Agent review box will appear on listings that they are set as the primary agent to.
Getting the Rate My Agent individual agent account ID
The easiest way to get the individual agent account details is to search and visit their profile on the Rate My Agent website.
Search for the Agent and select their profile, you should end up on a agent profile page that will have a URL like this with /real-estate-agent/ in the URL, eg:
Review URL: real-estate-agent/joe-smith-ed019/sales/reviews
Agent ID: joe-smith-ed019
Add the Individual Agent account details
Visit Dashboard > Users > {edit the user} and scroll to the Easy Property Listings: Author Box Profile section.
Rate My Agent ID: Enter in the account details from the URL eg: joe-smith-ed019
Rate My Agent Review URL: Enter in the full Rate My Agent Review URL for the specific agent.
Where this will display
Now this agents author box profile will display the Reviews tab which contains the Rate My Agent box.