Advanced Map Custom Map Marker Pins

With the Advanced Maps extension you can create and use your own custom marker pins.

Like the core plugin and extensions we strive for extensibility so that you can configure and easily alter all aspects to suit your project.

Create a folder in your child theme

Create a folder in your active child theme called easypropertylistings eg:


NOTE: Why you should always use a child theme with WordPress

Inside that folder create another folder called map

Copy the default icons from the extension to your newly created folder

Copy all the icons from wp-content/plugins/epl-advanced-mapping/images/icons into the above wp-content/themes/your_child_theme/easypropertylistings/map directory and enable the Advanced Map extension setting from your WordPress Dashboard > Easy Property Listings > Extensions > Advanced Mapping

Next edit the icons to suit your project and they will be loaded instead of the default icons.