How to create a custom sticker with the epl_get_price_sticker filter

To create a custom sticker for your listing, use the filter hook 'epl_get_price_sticker'.

For example ;

To add 'New Construction' sticker on your listings, use the following code.

function my_epl_new_construction_sticker( $price_sticker ) {
	global $property;
	$property_new_construction =  $property->get_property_meta('property_new_construction');

	if( isset($property_new_construction) && ($property_new_construction == 1 || $property_new_construction == 'yes') ) {
		$price_sticker .= '<span class="status-sticker new-construction">'.__( 'New Construction' , 'easy-property-listings' ).'</span>'; 
	return $price_sticker ;

For "New" status sticker for Commercial, Commercial Land and Business post types, to add 'New' sticker to your listings, add the following in your theme's functions.php

function my_epl_new_construction_sticker( $price_sticker ) { 		 	
	global $property;
	$date = new DateTime($property->post->post_date);
	$now = new DateTime();

	// php > 5.3
	if( method_exists($now,'diff') ) {
		$diff = $now->diff($date);
		$diff = $diff->days;
	} else {
		$diff = strtotime($now->format('M d Y ')) - strtotime($date->format('M d Y ') ) ;
		$diff = floor($diff/3600/24);

	if ( 'commercial' == $property->post_type || 'business' == $property->post_type || 'commercial_land' == $property->post_type) {
		if($property->get_epl_settings('sticker_new_range') >=  $diff)
			$price_sticker .= '<span class="status-sticker new">'.$property->get_epl_settings('label_new').'</span>';
	return $price_sticker ;
