How to modify the archive title with the epl_archive_title_default filter

When displaying your listing archive pages eg /property, /rental, /land, /commercial or taxonomy archive page like /feature/{your-feature} there is a title output on the page.

In your archive-listing.php this is called using the epl_the_archive_title hook.

<?php do_action( 'epl_the_archive_title' ); ?>

The function that is hooked into epl_the_archive_title has a filter called  epl_archive_title_default which allows you to override the default output of the wording.

Default output

Post type archive will display
{Post_Type_Name} Listings

Taxonomies Display

Property in {Taxonomy_name}

Search Results Display

Search Result

Filter to override is 


Default Fallback Title


Filter to override is 


Example on how to override the taxonomy display wording

Create a function and add this to your theme functions file or a custom plugin.

function my_epl_archive_title_default_filter( $title ) {
	if ( is_tax() && function_exists( 'epl_is_search' ) && false == epl_is_search() ) { // Tag Archive
		$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
		$title = sprintf( __( 'My Custom Title Prefix in %s', 'easy-property-listings'  ), $term->name );
	return $title;
add_filter( 'epl_archive_title_default' , 'my_epl_archive_title_default_filter' );