How to add a custom link and icon to the author box
Using filters in Easy Property Listings allows you to add custom user profile icons and a link to that service. Our goal is to add another icon after the email icon using a filter.
Place the following code into a custom settings plugin or your theme functions file.
Add the new custom field to the author profile
// Add custom contact field to user profile function my_epl_custom_user_contact( $contactmethods ) { $contactmethods['custom'] = __( 'Custom', 'easy-property-listings' ); return $contactmethods; } add_filter ('user_contactmethods','my_epl_custom_user_contact',10,1);
New field displayed on the user profile
Create the HTML output of the custom link and icon
// Create the html output for a custom contact field function my_epl_get_custom_author_html($html = '') { global $epl_author; if ( $epl_author->custom != '' ) { $html = ' <a class="epl-author-icon author-icon custom-icon-24" href="' . $epl_author->custom . '" title="'.__('Follow', 'easy-property-listings' ).' ' . $epl_author->name . ' '.__('on Custom', 'easy-property-listings' ).'">'. __('C', 'easy-property-listings' ). '</a>'; } return $html; }
Add the icon to the social icon filter
// Add new icon after email icon function my_epl_custom_social_icons_filter( $html ) { // Add the new icon $html .= my_epl_get_custom_author_html(); return $html; } add_filter( 'epl_author_email_html' , 'my_epl_custom_social_icons_filter' );
Add your custom icon and CSS to your theme
/** Add CSS to your theme and icon to your theme images folder **/ .epl-author-icon.custom-icon-24 { background: url(images/social-custom-icon.png) 0 0 no-repeat; }