
Use this filter to add custom currency to Easy Property Listings currency settings. Add the

// Add currency Emirati Dirham Rate "AED"
function my_extra_epl_currencies( $currencies ) {
	$currencies['AED'] = __('Emirati Dirham Rate', 'my_domain');

	return $currencies;
add_filter('epl_get_currencies', 'my_extra_epl_currencies');

The next example allows you to use a symbol like ₴ for Ukrainian Hryvnia. Replace HTML_SYMBOL with the html equivalent.

HTML currency character codes

// Add currency 'Ukrainian Hryvnia' with the html character ₴
function my_extra_epl_currencies_special_character( $currencies ) {
	$currencies['HTML_SYMBOL'] = __('Ukrainian hryvnia', 'my_domain');

	return $currencies;
add_filter('epl_get_currencies', 'my_extra_epl_currencies_special_character');