How to place a search bar on your archive page if your theme does not have a widget area.

Some themes may not allow you to add a widget bar above your archive page. Not to worry this is where you can use the template system to add a search bar above your listing archive pages.

Copy the archive-listing.php file from plugins/easy-property-listings/lib/templates/themes/default/ and place it in your theme/child folder. Insert the following before or after the < header > tag depending on where you want to place the search bar.

<?php echo do_shortcode('[listing_search post_type=property,land,rental style=wide]'); ?>

Or you can create if/else statements for each listing type so that you can specify different shortcode options eg.

if ( is_post_type_archive( 'property' ) ) {
	// Property
	echo do_shortcode('[listing_search post_type=property style=wide]');
} elseif ( is_post_type_archive( 'rental' ) ) {
	// Rental
	echo do_shortcode('[listing_search post_type=rental style=wide]');
} elseif ( is_post_type_archive( 'land' ) ) {
	// Land
	echo do_shortcode('[listing_search post_type=land style=wide]');
} elseif ( is_post_type_archive( 'rural' ) ) {
	// Rural
	echo do_shortcode('[listing_search post_type=rural style=wide]');
} else {
	// Default catch all
	echo do_shortcode('[listing_search post_type=property,land,rental,rural style=wide]');