How to Translate Easy Property Listings with PoEdit
You can help with translating Easy Property Listings into your language using a application called PoEdit available on the Mac or PC.
Once you install and open PoEdit you can open the epl.pot translation file located in the /plugins/easy-property-listings/lib/languages/ folder. Save the epl.pot file to your computer.
Open PoEdit and select Edit a Translation.
Choose the epl.pot file on your computer and you should see all the translation strings present in Easy Property Listings.
As this is a new translation project press the Create New Translation button and you will be prompted to select the language you are going to translate to. Now you can begin your translation.
Once complete or you want to test your results you can save the project and this will produce two files. The .mo file is the one used by the plugin so if you place that file into your Easy Property Listings plugin folder in the same place as the epl.pot the language will be loaded.
You will need to set your WordPress language to the language you are translating and you can do this from Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Language.
The other file that is save is the .po file, this contains your original translations and can be opened by PoEdit. Once you are happy with your translation, please provide your latest .mo and .po file zipped and attached to a support ticket so we can include your translation in the next release of Easy Property Listings.
We want to have Easy Property Listings translated into as many languages as possible, your help is greatly appreciated by the team here and you can help many other users use your translated version too.