How to output the listing ID on your templates

If you want to output the listing id on your listings you can achieve this with a simple function and output it on the listing templates. Add the following code to your theme functions file or custom settings plugin like  epl-filters.

This method allows you to alter the default template without the need to edit the template file directly.

Create a function to retrieve the Listing ID.

function my_custom_listing_id_callback() {
	global $property;
	$listing_id = $property->get_property_meta( 'property_unique_id' );
	echo '<div class="property-unique-id">Listing ID: ' . $listing_id . '</div>';
// Apply the function to a template hook.
add_action( 'epl_property_content_before' , 'my_custom_listing_id_callback' );

Template Action Hook Names

Review the hooks in the  single and loop templates.