Disable Listing Post Types Archive

This is a constant used when registering the download post type. By defining this constant, and setting it to true you can disable the post type archive for downloads. This is useful for sites where downloads are displayed manually, via short codes or template tags, rather than via default post type archives.

To disable the post type archives, place this in your theme’s functions.php, or any custom plugin:

Property define('EPL_PROPERTY_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable property post type archive

Rental define('EPL_RENTAL_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable rental post type archive

Rural define('EPL_RURAL_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable rural post type archive

Land define('EPL_LAND_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable land post type archive

Business define('EPL_BUSINESS_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable business post type archive

Commercial define('EPL_COMMERCIAL_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable commercial post type archive

Commercial Land define('EPL_COMMERCIAL_LAND_DISABLE_ARCHIVE', true ); // disable commercial land post type archive

NOTE: Once you add the code you must re-save your WordPress permalinks for this to take effect. Visit Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and press Save Changes .