Change the permalink slug of Listing Post Types

This constant allows you to change the post slug of each of the different listing types. Be default the slug for the Property Listing type is property, resulting is URLs that look like:, by using this constant, you can define the slug as anything you want.

Place the following in you functions.php or any custom plugin to change the slug of the property listing post type:

define('EPL_PROPERTY_SLUG', 'my-property-slug');

Note: After doing this, you should resave your permalink structure for the changes to fully take effect. Visit your WordPress dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and press Save Changes.

Each Listing Post Type constant is displayed below:

Property define('EPL_PROPERTY_SLUG', 'my-property-slug');

Rental define('EPL_RENTAL_SLUG', 'my-rental-slug');

Rural define('EPL_RURAL_SLUG', 'my-rural-slug');

Land define('EPL_LAND_SLUG', 'my-land-slug');

Business define('EPL_BUSINESS_SLUG', 'my-business-slug');

Commercial define('EPL_COMMERCIAL_SLUG', 'my-commercial-slug');

Commercial Land define('EPL_COMMERCIAL_LAND_SLUG', 'my-commercial-land-slug');